Monday, May 23, 2011


So, at least I got more than one post out! good deal! Anyhoo, this was a mindless sketch done during some downtime at work. It's Merrill, from the video game Dragon Age II. I've never played the game, but my boyfriend did over the winter and I remember catching glimpses of her sad, mopey, tattoo'd face. I think she's an interesting character. But the sketch is so messed up. Her head is giant, as I like making faces, and her body is tiny and she kinda looks like she's peeing. Can't win them all...
muyrrl by msqued

also, I did portraits for personalized office mugs, and here's mine (Steve Schwartz, Purveyor of Fat and Sassy). I love my job sometimes.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Yet Again...

Ok, so I'm a little rusty with this whole blogging thing. As some of you may remember I had one which I sort of let die 3 years ago. Since then I have totally stagnated and become obsolete in my eyes, so I'm hoping that this will do something to get me back in the game (like the last one did, right?)
But what's to be expected? Pretty much sketches. The occasional illustration. The rare animation, god forbid. I have so many ideas floating around and my job as a storyboard artist/animator doesn't do justice. I come home and just get so tired and would much rather watch archer or jump on the dog or eat a whole pizza, but I could see this as a way to kick me into gear. Some folks do the sketch a day. I don't have the stamina for such a routine. I'm hoping once a week. Maybe the occasional article or even a short story or two. Who knows?
Who am i kidding? I'll give up the ghost in two months...give or take.
But what to expect?
Illustrations, like this one I did in february...

copycat by msqued
ANNND, animations, like this one i did for work in January (they won't normally be this good)...

And some fawning over whatever book i'm attempting (and failing) to read at the moment.
And bad jokes, can't forget them.
Sorry about the bad jokes. :l