"So, I think I know what to do with this blog. I was listening to NPR over the weekend and came across an interview with Lou Beach for his book "420 Characters". The idea is to write short stories 420 characters of less, the idea being that they would fit in Facebook statuses. They're beautiful in their simplicity. I really want to get better at writing, and this seems the perfect way. Then, add in a sketch that is equally as rough that goes with the story. I see nothing but wins here. So, hence forth this blog will be called "Sketched Out Stories"! I'll still post illustration and animation work here, but the main idea will be to get both writing and drawing out and into the world, and shut up my perfectionist self, he ruins everything. I hope you like what comes out of this! (and that I can keep up the pace) And if you don't, I relish critiques ;)"
like i said, it'll be more than that, but the main point is to get better at writing/an excuse to draw more. I have become stagnant through the ole' 9-5
any other questions, feel free to email me at stevenqschwartz@gmail.com (fair warning, I am a notoriously bad emailer)