But yes! ART! I seriously haven't done a finished illustration in almost a year and in the past month, I bang two out! Weird how that works, eh? Well the first one was for the blog "Ten Paces and Draw", an illustration blog that works as a kind of competition...you really should just check it out. It shows a lot of baltimore artists, since it's a MICA thing. But anyway, Andrew was asked to do a piece on Janelle Monea and he ran out of time, so I pulled this out of my pocket. I can't say I'm too happy but I did it just to do it and it made a lot of things click.
A few days later, after listening to the new Florence and The Machine on repeat in the car, and looking at a lot of different illustrators, I got this one out, after her song "Shake it Out". Again not perfect, but it'll do.
Now I just want to do more...
EDIT - I just realized, I have a thing for drawing side boob...weird.